Philadelphia Eagles, Treasury Working Group, and Pool Together
PoolTogether Community Interview #22: TheRealTuna
This week’s PoolTogether community interview features a member of our Treasury Working Group. He hails from the land of our friendly neighbors to the north, loves the Philadelphia Eagles (poor guy), and is very active in governance at PoolTogether. Meet: TheRealTuna!
Tell us a little about yourself.
I work in the marine industry in Vancouver, Canada but crypto is my true passion. I am married with no kids but do have two cats that I treat like children. I am a die hard Philadelphia Eagles fan and very into gardening, hiking, and craft beer.
How long have you been involved in cryptocurrencies/Web3?
I got into crypto around May 2017 when I heard about Ethereum smart contracts from a friend. I had heard of bitcoin before and was not a big believer at the time but hearing about Ethereum opened my eyes to the possibilities. My first crypto purchase was 1.65 ETH for $250 CAD ($200 USD), I was buying by credit card and had a $250 CAD weekly deposit limit while ETH was climbing fast.
What lessons have you learned since then?
Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose and don’t go all in on one asset. Crypto is much less stressful when your bills are paid and you have some safety net in your bank account. There were times when I was very stressed out about dropping prices and I’ve now realized it was because I was over-invested.
What was your best crypto moment?
The best moment I had could have very easily been my worst. I had a large position in Maker DAO that I had borrowed against to reinvest in ETH and some other alt-coins when the COVID pandemic started I had been watching the Dallas Mavericks game with my parents when they announced during the game that the season was canceled. I had a gut feeling that markets were going to tank on the news of this unprecedented moment so I dropped everything and ran home. I closed my loan and converted my entire portfolio to USDC. The next morning was Black Thursday and the entire market was down 50% and I bought back in. Everything had recovered a couple weeks later and had I not closed my loan my position would have been liquidated. Instead of losing everything I nearly doubled my position.
What is your biggest fail?
My biggest fail has always been not taking profits. Request Network did a x10 after it’s ICO but then lost about 99% of its value in the 2018 bear market. I managed to sell some along the way down but lost most of my gains.
How did you find out about PoolTogether?
I found out about PoolTogether on r/EthFinance, before discovering crypto discord I was a regular there.
What made you stick around?
I stuck around because of the awesome community and the great potential I see for PoolTogether to become the largest prize savings in the world. I have made a lot of great friends in this community and hope to see things through and reach our goals together.
How are you involved in the community?
Early on I took a great interest in treasury management and partnerships. I’ve been very active in governance from the time I got my PoolTogether airdrop. I am now on the Treasury Working Group, Executive multi-sig, and ETH ops team. Previously I was on the POOL buyback team and negotiated a V3 BADGER pool in the early days. More recently I helped facilitate a partnership with UMA using uGMI KPI options used by grants and for Coordinape payments.
Would you recommend PoolTogether to others? How would you describe it to them?
PoolTogether is a safe place to earn yield on your USDC and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a place to accumulate savings in the crypto space. PoolTogether is also a great place to start learning how you can get involved working with DAOs.
Are you involved in any other projects or communities?
I am involved in several other communities including the SuperUMAn DAO, Across DAO, Pegaxy, and several others.
SuperUMAn DAO is a DAO formed from active UMA community members that help spread the word about UMA products and the Optimistic Oracle. Who are the SuperUMAns?
Across DAO is a bridge protocol that uses UMA’s Optimistic Oracle to provide the fastest and most cost effective bridging from L2 to L1. Currently you can bridge from Arbitrum, Optimism, and Boba with more options coming including L2 to L2 bridging.
Pegaxy is a play to earn horse racing game on Polygon where you can race, rent, or breed mechanical horses called Pega’s to earn PGX or VIS tokens.
Do you have any other thoughts or comments you would like to make?
I am very grateful to be a part of this community and look forward to working with everyone to help make PoolTogether the largest prize savings in the world.
We hope you enjoyed this interview and learned a different perspective on the journeys our community members take to find and get involved with PoolTogether. It always fascinates me to learn about the different paths taken to find this great community.
Please learn more about depositing at PoolTogether.com and join us in the PoolTogether Discord to become a part of our Community.