PoolTogether Community Newsletter #14
DAO Happiness Survey, TWAB Rewards, How to Delegate, Gas Estimations <> Canny, Pooly & more! 🌊🏆
Hey Poolers 🌊🏆
in times like this some faces and feet might get cold watching their portfolios. Better join the pool where the water is always warm. Poolers only get liquidated at the cocktail bar. 🍹🐠
Here’s some poetry for you to start off your week right:
Markets are bear
Numbas are red
Stables in the pool
Tokens violet
DAO Happiness Survey 🫂
DAOs are networks of rapidly increasing complexity. PoolTogether brings together all kinds of individuals and collaborative efforts to make sense of complicated issues. We share information and resources, coordinate existing work, and collaborate together to affect the protocol and our community as a whole.
On the same notion contributing should feel good and be fun. A living system shouldn’t grow too quick without also addressing its potential pain points.
Quoting the PT Inc Vision and Roadmap for 2022:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”
This DAO Happiness Survey is intended to be a temperature check on our community health. Please tell us how you feel. Please share your thoughts and feedback. Let’s go together!
Survey Link: https://forms.gle/xeDQzq4LTmMSvWnU9
The survey is anonymized - no names or emails are being collected
TWAB Rewards ⚖️
The new PoolTogether V4 protocol is capable of distributing fixed returns in far better way than V3 with the “TWAB Rewards Contract”. TWAB stands for “time weighted average balance” and is a mechanism for distributing fixed return for all depositors based on their average balance over a period of time.
It’s a simple and extremely powerful primitive, the benefits are:
The ability for anyone to distribute any token based on a users average deposit over a period of time.
The ability to set when a reward is claimable (i.e. every two weeks, or four weeks, etc).
The ability to distribute these rewards without requiring staking
The contract provides a brand new primitive for rewarding depositors into the PoolTogether protocol. These rewards can be provided by POOL governance or any third party!
The TWAB contract is live and has been audited in a $25,000 Code Arena security competition. Read more about how it works in the documentation or check out the full Medium article.
How to Delegate 🪄
When we’re trying to Onboard our friends & family to DeFi it often takes a lot of time and patience. Most of DeFi is still complicated to use and Normies find it difficult to trust a new financial system.
That’s what makes PoolTogether such a powerful onboarding machine. By delegating someone your chance to win you can quickly prove that Prize-Linked Savings works!
1️⃣ Help deposit into PoolTogether
2️⃣ Delegate some of your winning chances
3️⃣ Watch & enjoy a blown mind
Want to find out more? The User Docs have been updated with “How to Delegate”.

Gas Estimations ⛽
Gas fees occur when you interact with a blockchain. A common error of first time poolers was to underestimate (or simply forget) the gas fees.
The recent update follows PoolTogether’s premise to be simple and user-friendly :
You can now see gas fee estimate for every action
Specific warnings when using high network gas fees with low deposit amounts
PoolTogether <> Canny 💡
Devs did do something. The Gas Estimations are a great example of the power of Canny. The community identified the issue, Gonbatfire suggested an idea for a solution and it was quickly built and implemented by the Developers Team.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions you’d like to share? Please visit the PoolTogether Canny!
We’re International 🌎
PoolTogether is a decentralized blockchain protocol for prize-linked savings. Blockchain does not know borders or nations. We are global. To help poolers from all around the world the website was recently translated into a variety of languages.
PoolTogether.com is now available in:
Pooly 🦤
Do you already know Pooly? Pooly has recently landed on our Discord server to help you explore the Pool. He usually hangs out in #bot-commands and and will respond if you ask him about gas fees, lucky draws, grand prizes or odds.
Command List
=gas avax/poly/eth
=lucky draw-number (eg: =lucky 99)
=grandprize draw-number
=odds deposit-amount (eg: =odds 1000)
Pooly was raised and trained by underthesea. Let them know if you have any good ideas what Pooly should learn next!
PoolTogether Community Interview #15: Bronder 🗞
Our ever-curious Community Reporter SmartInvestor has been spotlighting members of our community for 15 ongoing weeks now. Every one of them is special on their own. This week it was time to talk to our amigo Bronder.
Tell us a bit about yourself. Describe yourself in a few words/facts:
I’m a numbers person. I like to check facts and statistics to make decisions. I also like to calculate APR, profits, or whatever number to share it with other people and help them make the best decision.
👉 Read the full interview
Governance Forum🏛️
Listen 🎧
🎙️ PoolTogether Community Podcast #4: Blake Burrito of EPNS
🏊♀️ PoolTogether Community Call & Swim Meet #44
Follow the PoolTogether Community Podcast on: Spotify⎜Apple Podcast
Read 📚
🧠 What Is PoolTogether? A Crypto Savings Account That Pays You by Brains of Crypto
📚 DeFi Haftalık Bülten #48 (Pasif Getiri Projeleri : Notional Finance, PoolTogether, Platypus) by DeFi Library
Watch 📺
👋 Why PoolTogether ? - The best saving account / lottery #shorts by Aye Sir
👍 Getting Started with Avalanche and PoolTogether by Thumbs Up Finance 🇨🇦
Prize Talk 🏆
Winning feels good man. It’s that simple. Instead of checking your portfolio twenty times a day you could save some time by only checking for prizes on PoolTogether once.
Stay wavy & see you all around the pool 👋🌊🏆