PoolTogether Community Newsletter #18
1 Year of POOL, PTIP54 & 55 have passed, Governance Endgame & more 🌊🏆
Happy Birthday, Poolers!
1 Year of POOL 🍰
One year ago today the POOL token was distributed decentralizing control of PoolTogether. In one of the most community centric distributions ever, 15% of all POOL tokens were given to all depositors on day 1! Since then community ownership has only increased.
The protocol, token, and community have had a positive impact on thousands of lives and to celebrate — we are collecting stories! Your stories help fuel and direct POOL holders to govern the protocol in the best way:
🎙 Share how you’ve been impacted by PoolTogether! 🏆

Here’s a few things that have happened in the first year of POOL:
30 unique proposals have been voted on by POOL holders improving the protocol
Over 3,300 unique posts have been made on the governance forum
47 Weekly community calls
Over 7,000 unique wallets are currently holding the POOL token
What’s Next
Collecting stories is just the start of celebrating one year of POOL! Join the community Discord to hear about all that’s planned and stay up to date on Twitter.
PTIP-54 & 55 have passed 🗳
PTIP-54: Treasury Management
Our Treasury Working Group did intensive work to work out a low risk-profile to increase the yield obtained by treasury assets while also trying to shift more attention to V4 instead of V3.
PTIP-55: Extend Pool Emissions
This proposal is to continue the POOL distribution to POOL pool depositors (200 POOL/day) and POOL/ETH LPs on Uni V2 (150 POOL/day).
Governance Endgame 🏛
Brendan has taken the POOL anniversary as an occasion to lay out his thoughts about the future of PoolTogether’s governance. The post reviews the past and the evolution of PoolTogether governance and explores possible options for the future. I highly recommend to read it and provide feedback or ask your questions!
🏛 It’s right here!
PoolStreaks Season 2 has begun! 🔮
Fancy a game, Pooler? PoolStreaks is a prediction game presented by DaBoom in #hodlers-hangout on the PoolTogether Discord.
Every day when the timer for the V4 draw hits 00:00:00, DaBoom will post a new question to be answered within the next 24 hours. The first player to get 6 questions correct without missing one will win a week-long PoolTogether delegation of $5,000.
Decentralized indexing & querying for web3 w/ Brendan 🗂
The Graph hosted a Twitter Space to discuss decentralization, dapps, migration of subgraphs to their network. Brendan joined as one of their guests to talk about how PoolTogether utilizes subgraphs, TWAB and more.

Good Governance Chat with Commonwealth w/ Torgin 🏛️
This weeks episode of Commonwealth’s Good Governance Chat featured discussions around governance structures, whats next in governance design, & optimizing decentralized operations. Listen in to hear PoolTogether’s Torgin next to other top governance leaders from dYdX Foundation, Element Finance, and Aave.
👉 Follow this link to the full recording
PoolTogether Community Podcast #8: Chuck 🔥🎙
Chuck takes us through the first conversations about PoolTogether at ETHDenver 2019, coaches Tim on how to start his own protocol, including outfit choices, and takes us through his picks for projects to back in 2022. In this wide varying conversation the podcasts covers Chuck's origin story, skill-set and his fascination with NFTs including some interesting projects he is invested in.
👉 Listen to the full episode on Substack
PoolTogether Community Interview #18: Tjark 💬
Hah - that’s me! For some reason SmartInvestor thought I’d have enough to say to fill an entire interview, so we had a go.
👉 Read the full interview
Listen 🎧
👾 Good Governance Chat with Commonwealth w/ Torgin
🎙️ PoolTogether Community Podcast #8 w/ Chuck
🗂 Decentralized indexing & querying for web3 /w Brendan
Watch 🎥
📜 No Code DAO Proposals - Dave Rusyniak by ETHDenver
⛓ Chainlink | Decentralized Data and Computation - Patrick Collins by ETHDenver
This week’s action steps 🐾
1️⃣ Share how you’ve been impacted by POOL in its first year
2️⃣ Join us on Friday for our Community Call & Swim Meet to celebrate the POOL birthday
3️⃣ Participate on the governance forum

Stay wavy & see you all around the pool 👋🌊🏆